with aromatic salad and extra virgin olive oil
13 €
with tomato sauce, chloro cheese, marjoram and extra virgin olive oil
Poached eggs
13 €
on sourdough bread with tsalafouti cheese, apaki cured pork and wild greens
Scrambled eggs
11 €
on sourdough bread with tomato hearts, black olive fillet and extra virgin olive oil
Boiled eggs
11 €
with Florina pepper cream, cucumber, fresh herbs, dried tomato, and extra virgin olive oil
with aromatic salad and extra virgin olive oil
13 €
with tomato sauce, chloro cheese, marjoram and extra virgin olive oil
Poached eggs
13 €
on sourdough bread with tsalafouti cheese, apaki cured pork and wild greens
Scrambled eggs
11 €
on sourdough bread with tomato hearts, black olive fillet and extra virgin olive oil